Stampa DTF per tutti i tessuti

All the advantages of DTF printing

The digital textile printing industry has experienced exponential growth in the last decade. This is because more and more users, due to the ease, affordability and quality of the results, have chosen digital printers for the customization of fabrics. There are many digital printing processes for personalizing fabrics but in this article we will talk […]

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Applicazioni inusuali e nuovi mercati del plotter da stampa a solvente

Do you have a solvent-based plotter and want to increase your margins? Here’s how to do it and how to keep your customers loyalty

Today solvent printing plotters are considered by many to be old machines or even outdated for some applications. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that plotter printing is still a very modern technology, flexible and transversal to different and new markets thanks to the many possible applications. Let’s try to discover and understand […]

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